February 9, 2025
Since the time of Jesus many have and will continue to oppose Christians teaching and the truths expressed therein. One of the ways this has expressed itself in recent times is to suggest that like the development of some other religious traditions like Mormonism and Islam, Christianity developed through the promulgation of myths and vaguely remembered oral traditions.
According to Islamic historians the Quran was revealed to Mohamed who did not write it down (he was illiterate) but passed it on orally to his followers. After Mohamed’s death Abu Bakr the first Calif ordered Zayd ibn Thabit to compile and record the sayings of Mohamed.
Based on this known history some have mistakenly assumed that this must be how religious text’s develop. This has led some to theorize a similar process for the compilation and organization of the New Testament.
In a similar way some theorize that the Old Testament developed during Jewish Captivity in Babylon. This was an effort to justify Jewish presence in Canaan. In both theories the reliance on oral tradition and later recording and compiling is a key component. Both theories miss a key component which is writing. The Old and New Testament originated with written documents which were painstakingly preserved. This does not allow for the development of myth or imaginative remembrances.
Of all the biblical canon Genesis tends to attract the most frequent label of myth. Even some who claim to be conservative bible believing Christians will suggest that Genesis is just a set of stories not meant to be taken as literally. No one told Jesus about this as he teaches and acts as if he believes Genesis as does the Apostle Paul.
I would like to share a slightly humorous and revealing observation about all of this:
- In the so-called mythological book, we read that an all-powerful transcendent being created the finite universe and everything in it.
- The more sensible theory we’re told is that everything came from nothing for no reason.
- In the mythological book we read that God created man and woman to exist in partnership and fill the earth.
- The respectable societal norm is instead that there is no such thing as male and female but instead there are 72 genders, and we have no idea what gender someone is unless they tell us their pronouns.
- They mythological book tells us that human life is sacred and to be valued and protected.
- The more enlightened view is that life that is to new, or too old, or too inconvenient, or too disabled or too difficult should be exterminated and the government if they are good and just will pay for said extermination.
We really should abandon these old fashioned myths along with the myth of gravity perhaps and virology. Maybe the Bible is less myth or more real that many people want to admit.
Kevin Cleary