Jesus On Human Sexuality Part 2

February 25, 202

     We said last time that Jesus does have something to say about human sexuality. Jesus was concerned about bringing people to God’s will on every issue. God created us including our sexual identity as male and female. Jesus takes us back to creation for an understanding of how God intends us to function as sexual beings. 

     What he said to paraphrase is that God has designed a specific way for human sexuality to be expressed. It is between one man and one woman in a lifelong committed relationship (Mat 5:27-32; 19:1-12; Mrk 10:1-12). Any expression of sexuality outside of this God approved situation is wrong. This would include any number of scenarios from adulterous affairs, to unwed couples who engage in intercourse, to pornography. There is an important principle here that we need to keep in mind. When God gives a specific direction it excludes every other option. God specifically directs us to engage in sexual activity only within a marriage relationship between one man and one woman. Every other scenario is sin. This includes but is not limited to homosexual practices.

     I read a story recently about a person who bought a new table. They must have had a child like my own because someone stood up on the table. Not surprisingly the table would not bear the weight and broke. A young person fell and was injured. The parents brought suit against the manufacturer of the table because of its failure to hold their child. The manufacturer was not held responsible for the accident. Why? Because they argued and rightly so that the table was not being used as intended and so there could be no expectation that it would not fall apart. 

     When it comes to human sexuality it was designed by God and meant to be expressed in a committed marriage between one man and one woman. When we abuse our sexuality by not using it as intended and as we are designed to use it it’s a dangerous situation. We should not be surprised when pain, hurt, and even long term damage results. 

     It is not a sin to feel an attraction to another person or group of people. For someone to feel attracted to another of the same gender is not sin. Just as it is not sin for a woman to be attracted to a man or men in general. Both of these situations require the person to practice restraint and not act on their attraction by either lusting or acting out their attraction. The difference between these two is that homosexual attraction is unnatural in that it is not in keeping with how God has designed us. 

     One last point needs to be made in regards to feelings. Just because we feel a certain way does not make it right or natural. In fact we could list hundreds of situations where everyone agrees that acting on a particular feeling would be wrong. 

     As Christians especially and even just as humans we need to accept and embrace God’s plan for sexuality. We will be better off as a species and as individuals. When we encounter those who are not living as God intends in this or any part of life our attitude needs to be one of lovingly pointing people to God’s will just like Jesus did.

~ Kevin Cleary