Our congregation has members of all ages and interests and we have programs designed for each group. We participate in organized social activities as well as group Bible studies to strengthen our relationships and encourage each other in our common faith.
Worship & Bible Study
We have several opportunities available for worship and Bible study. Every Sunday morning at 10:00 am, we have organized Bible study and Sunday School classes for all ages, from infants to adults, led by volunteer teachers. At 11:00 am on Sundays we have our worship service to provide the opportunity to take the Lord’s Supper and hear a message from God’s Word from our evangelist.
Every Sunday morning we hold organized Sunday School classes for children of all ages, from infants to teens.
Youth Group
We are blessed to have a wide range of age groups and we regularly meet together for youth group activities such as games nights, bowling, rollerskating, outdoor sports and trips to Canada’s Wonderland!
College & Careers Group
We are blessed to have a dynamic group of young adults who share a passion for learning more about God’s Word. We meet on a regular basis for social activities as well as Bible studies to encourage each other in our common faith.
Our men are the leaders of our congregation and their faith is a wonderful example for us. In addition to serving in our worship service and leading Bible studies, a men’s group also meets on a regular basis.
We have an organized and informal women’s Bible study and discussion group on the third Thursday of every month for women of all ages. These studies focus on relevant issues facing women today.