
The world cries out for men of vision. Great problems of society long for solutions. Elections loom and we look for leaders with solid ideas. People listen to those who speak with wisdom and foresight. Visionaries of the past are still honored today. If there is no vision, there is decline and corruption (Prov.29:18).

The secret to wise vision is the wisdom only God can give. For eighty years Moses had the wrong vision. God had to break him before he paid attention to the correct one. Even then, he complained and objected to God’s vision. But he soon agreed, and gave himself to his new vision for his final 40 years on earth. And what a great leader he was! God must break us before He can instill His vision into our hearts. Continue reading

Our Captain

The world values good leadership. Without it armies falter, companies go bankrupt, the economy sours, and whole countries weaken. We’ve seen all of these things happen lately in the world. When wise leadership does not exist, people long for someone to provide guidance.

Jesus Christ is described with an interesting term in Heb.2:10 – “The captain of our salvation” (KJV). More modern versions translate the word as “author” or “leader.” It’s used a second time in Heb.12:2, where he calls Jesus the “author and perfecter of faith.”  We’re told in that verse to keep our eyes on Him, for He is our leader. Continue reading