The Crown

When Napoleon was made emperor of France in 1804, he used two crowns to mark the occasion. First, he wore a golden laurel wreath which symbolized he was an emperor like the Caesars of Rome. Then he put on another golden crown which had been made exclusively for him, which he called the “crown of Charlemagne.” He was known for vanity and his crowns displayed it.

With so many kings and queens of past centuries, most European countries own an assortment of historical crowns, usually on display in museums. The most well-known collection is the British crown jewels, heavily guarded in the Tower of London.

In Bible times, the average person had no contact with anything like a royal crown. They were obviously enjoyed only by powerful people. It must have been startling when John revealed in the book of Revelation that God will reward faithful Christians with a crown. And not just something loaded with diamonds and jewels. He said, “Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life” (Rev.2:10). Napoleon enjoyed his personal crown for a few years, but then he died in exile. But our crown is a reward that will last for eternity.

John included a peek into heaven in chapter 4, and what do we see? Twenty-four elders sitting on thrones that circled God’s, and they’re all wearing golden crowns (v4). These men represent the entire church, protected and rewarded by God. You are represented in this group, for you are God’s son or daughter. A crown is waiting for you.

Don’t worry about collecting a lot of gold and jewels during your lifetime on earth. They’ll only be with you temporarily. Determine to be faithful until the end of your life and receive your crown from Jesus.

Not even Napoleon had one as precious as the one coming for you.

– Tim Johnson