Know for certain that you are welcome. We are always encouraged to know that there are others in our community who desire to please God through worship just as we do.
We recognize that it can be uncomfortable for someone to attend a new place of worship for the first time. For that reason, we would like to offer a brief summary of what to expect when you visit us.
Upon arrival, you will receive a warm welcome and gift from our greeters, including our weekly bulletin with information about the congregation. Our regular members number approximately 65 for Sunday morning service and our goal is to worship God in the manner the He outlines in the Bible. We are a diverse group of believers from students, singles, young families, professionals, non-professionals and elderly and we have a variety of experiences and backgrounds.
We meet in our auditorium for Sunday morning worship with plenty of seating available for friends and guests. There is a raised platform at the front of the auditorium with a podium and a table to place the emblems representing the Lord’s Supper. These consist of unleavened bread representing Christ’s broken body on the cross and fruit of the vine representing Christ’s blood that was shed for our sins. The Lord’s Supper is served every Sunday following the pattern set out by the first century church and is passed amongst the congregation by our servers. You are not obligated to participate in the Lord’s Supper if you are not comfortable doing so.
Following the Lord’s Supper there is an opportunity for the congregation to voluntarily contribute money in a freewill offering. Our congregation is solely dependent on its member’s contributions and funds are used to support our congregation as well as aid in evangelistic work around the world. As a visitor, you are not obligated to contribute if you are not comfortable doing so.
Our worship is done in an orderly manner and is led by men who volunteer their time and service to God. Service begins with the entire congregation singing a cappella hymns without the accompaniment of musical instruments in accordance with Ephesians 5:19. A reading of Scripture follows as well as an opening prayer and the serving of the Lord’s Supper. A message from scripture is then presented by our evangelist and service will conclude with a final hymn and closing prayer. Our worship service is simple and patterned after the first century church as found in the New Testament.
We hope that you visit us and we pray that we will be an encouragement to you as you will be to us.