Over the last two weekends we’ve enjoyed some lovely special events. Last week was Young Adult Weekend, with 30-40 energetic guests among us, and a special speaker (Jay Manimtim). There was close fellowship, challenging lessons, enthusiastic singing, and good food. This weekend we witnessed the wedding of two Christians who are very dear to us. Their two families came together with good wishes for the marriage of their children. Many of their friends and brothers and sisters in the Lord were present to make it a special day. And this morning we are very happy to have Shawn Redding preach the sermon. Shawn and Donna, of course, are loved by the entire congregation.
Times like these only happen once in a while, but they give us encouragement, joy, and a shot-in-the-arm of hope. They are high points of fellowship and unity. They’re a taste of what’s to come for Christians looking forward to heaven. It’s no wonder that the glorified church of the book of Revelation is presented as a contented group who have been invited to a wedding feast.
In Rev.19:7-9, John describes the wedding of the lamb, the great conqueror of the book, and the bride – the church of God. She is dressed in fine, clean linen, which represents the righteous acts of the saints. All around them are persecuted, yet victorious Christians, people who have not had very easy lives. But now they are being rewarded by being invited to this wonderful banquet. “Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” They are delirious with joy, giving glory to their saviour. There is singing, fellowship, food, and joy – just like our recent special events.
Jesus invites us to join Him in joyous fellowship for eternity. Have you accepted?
– Tim Johnson