Nothing warms the soul like hospitality. Yet we often shy away from its work and planning. Yet God urges us to practice it. Next weekend hospitality is essential if our youth event is to be a success. People need food and accommodation.
Hospitality only works well if accompanied with love, sacrifice, generosity, unity, and a high-minded spirit. Jerusalem set this pattern for generations to come. Their love and unity motivated them to be kind to people; “The congregation of those who believed were of one heart and soul” (Acts 4:32). The Hebrew writer would later note, “Let love of the brethren continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers…” (Heb.13:1). That marvelous unity was threatened in Acts 6:1-6, when some grumbled over the arrangements for hospitality. Special servants were promptly chosen to expedite wisely the serving of meals to the burgeoning crowds of new Christians. These high-minded servants were willing to overlook complaints, and realign hospitality so that it was a blessing, not a problem. This demonstrates the importance of wise, loving hospitality to a healthy church.
Our young adults are working hard to ensure next week’s event will be a blessing. They need help to meet our obligations concerning hospitality. This is a worthy challenge, and our congregation is well equipped to handle it. “Be hospitable to one another without complaint” (1 Pet.4:9). Look for a way to sacrifice and show your love.
– Tim Johnson