National elections can be very stressful. Last year we voted in a new Prime Minister and his Liberal government, which is a complete changeover from the previous ruling political party. Many people have worried about how well our young head of government will perform, and what changes he will introduce. In the United States, people are still upset and concerned that their president-elect will be up to the job. His unusual ways are making people nervous.
This is the nature of democracy. Leaders are voted in when the previous ones have run out of time, or become unfit to continue. We have the privilege of voting for the people we think are best, but we don’t always get what we want. In my lifetime, there have been 13 different Prime Ministers so far.
If we worry about the suitableness of new leaders every four or five years, what would it be like if our great high priest in heaven changed every few years also? Wouldn’t we worry about his ability to keep us saved?
The writer of the Book of Hebrews discusses this in chapter 7:23-25. He reminds us that a new high priest had to be appointed over the Israelites every time an old one passed away. “They existed in greater numbers because they were prevented by death from continuing.” Like our modern-day politicians, people never knew what they would get.
But Jesus is different. He will never become incompetent or die. He sits in heaven permanently, which gives us confidence that we will continue to be saved every day. “He, on the other hand, because He abides forever, holds his Priesthood permanently. Hence, also, He is able to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.”
National leaders will come and go. But Jesus will always remain our great High Priest. He can keep us save right to the end. Do not worry.
– Tim Johnson