It seems that our heavy rains have receded and summer weather has finally arrived. We are cooped up for much of the winter and spring, but now we can go places unhindered. For Christians, we’re not simply anxious to get on the road and enjoy a vacation. We are also on the lookout for opportunities to strengthen the kingdom and encourage our brothers and sisters. Summer brings unique opportunities.
We’re told in Gal.6:10, “So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.” What kind of opportunities do we have right now? How can we do good to the household of faith?
For one thing, it’s easier to have people over this time of year. Some of the best memories I have with the brethren are barbeques in the back yard and picnics in the park. The Moncton church used to have several summer picnics in a city park. We’d bring portable barbeques to cook on, badminton rackets and baseball gloves, and played with the kids on the playground equipment. It was a great time, and an opportunity for Christians to invite non-Christian relatives. Short of a huge church picnic, you can have somebody over – maybe a Christian family that doesn’t get to do very many special things.
Camp Omagh is gearing up for another season. Several people from Barrie are planning to serve as counselors. The camp has asked our congregation to send homemade cookies for the kids. They’ve also invited us to attend their yearly outdoor sing-song on July 31st – always an uplifting event.
The Collingwood church is having another sing-song on Sunday evening, August 7th. You can get there in less than an hour and the fellowship is great.
Summer sometimes presents us with temptations. A good way to fight them is to spend time with your brethren. In Ephesians 5:15-16 we read, “Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil.” Summer gives us special opportunities to make the most of your time.
How will you encourage the brethren in the good old summertime?
– Tim Johnson