Security and Care

People everywhere are working hard to build security. Young families long to own a home. School graduates search for good jobs. Broken homes scramble to find their footing again. The poor try to make ends meet. Even the rich worry about the future.

Notice what Jesus said one day when he described his followers as sheep: “My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.” (John 10:29)

Security is more than owning a house or money in your pocket. Too many non-material things can knock our lives down – like illness, cruelty, loneliness, lack of opportunities, and plain bad luck. God wants to give us a type of security that can withstand even these.

In our scripture about the sheep, two great things stand out. The first is that God gave His sheep to Jesus. After saving people from their sins and failures, He hands them over to His Son for safekeeping and care. It’s like the owner of the flock arranging the best care possible. Not just anybody will do; God wants the best shepherd for his sheep, and we get that in Jesus.

The second thing we can draw from our verse is that God Himself protects us from those who would “snatch them out of His hand.” Shepherds go to battle for their sheep when any danger arises. We have the best security possible in life because God does that for us. Of course, we have responsibilities too if this is going to work (verse 27): “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”

All of us want security in life and to experience the care we need to thrive. Are you looking for it in the right place?

– Tim Johnson