Have you ever had one of those months when the house plumbing needs repairs, the wash machine breaks down, the furnace fails to start, and the car decides it doesn’t want to be left out of the break down game? With all that going on, you wonder if you should open your eyes the next morning lest something else is broken!
We spend a huge amount of money each year to maintain the things we own. CBC news reported that Canadians spent $80 billion renovating their homes in 2019. CAA says on average we spend at least $1000 a year on car repairs – and that’s just on fairly new vehicles.
We hate to spend that kind of money just to maintain things, but if we don’t, we soon find that our possessions deteriorate quickly. The classic example is the leaky roof that doesn’t get fixed. Water soon drips down through ceilings and walls, causing an awful mess in the rest of the house. A neighbour of mine ignored a leak like that and soon discovered rotten beams in his attic and a huge repair project.
Some people neglect their spiritual lives just like they do a leaky roof. Remember the old saying, “Seven days without prayer makes one weak?” Let that remind us that it takes work to stay strong in the Lord. Failing to pray weakens your relationship with God. Failing to read and study the word of God makes us forget what He’s done for us. Neglecting fellowship makes us vulnerable to sin and keeps us out of the loop. Low maintenance means weak souls. But we can turn all of that around and gain great relationships, strength inside, fortification from God, and ability to help others wisely.
Peter put it this way, “Therefore, brethren, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you; for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble.” (2 Pet.1:10)
Got a leaky spiritual roof? Plug up the holes and enjoy a strong spiritual life.
– Tim Johnson