Abortion Part 3

October 13, 2024

After considering the issue of abortion both biblically and scientifically it can easily be concluded that abortion is taking a human life and that it must be viewed as such. However there are two more important aspects of this subject that need to be considered. The first is the emotional impact that abortion has on the family. Any woman who has had a miscarriage knows the pain that comes from that experience. Soldiers recognize the emotional impact that arises from killing another human being. Police officers have to have counselling after lethal encounters with criminals. With regards to abortion people seem to think that the mother can somehow avoid the unavoidable emotions that go along with such a traumatic event. I know of women who have aborted children and non of them are left without emotional scaring that in some cases affects the rest of their lives. Imagine years passing knowing that in each one there should be a birthday that never comes. Imagine seeing other parents playing with their children and knowing that you were responsible for the death of one of these. Christians must be aware of this so that we can offer the loving arms of Jesus to mothers who are faced with a life of regret. We must also make people aware of the results of what they consider when they consider abortion. The negative impact that an abortion can have should serve as warning just as strong as the biblical and scientific reasons for not aborting a child. 

The second important factor that must not be overlooked is the ramifications of the logic used to justify abortion. Any time society takes it upon itself to decide who is human and who is not it is a scary thing. After deciding that only those with self-awareness, who are self-sufficient, and fully developed are human there is no end to the atrocities that can be committed against those who don’t meet societal standards. It is this kind of thinking that led to the holocaust or the slaughter of innocents in Rwanda. Human beings are created in the image of God and life is a gift from Him. We forget these truths to the peril of all but the strong. 

To conclude it can be said that there is no doubt that the taking of innocent life is wrong and that abortion is taking innocent life and therefore wrong. It is important to add that in the past many have done things that are anything but Christ like when interacting with those who believe in abortion. The fact is that women who have had abortions and the doctors that perform them have committed sin. We must understand though that as terrible as abortion is it is not worse than others sins and those who are involved in it need forgiveness just as all of us do. The Christians primary responsibility with regards to abortion are the same as they are to other sins and that is to help those entangled in them to come to Jesus for forgiveness and newness of life. Let’s know and defend the truth about abortion while reaching out in love to those who are in need.

~ Kevin Cleary