Are You Ready?

February 2, 2025

     I recently had a conversation with a friend who was thinking about a couple of important things in his life. At the end of our conversation he said that he would wait to do anything until he could talk to his dad about it. What do you do when you want to get prepared for a major life decision or change? Going away to school, changing jobs, having a baby, making a major purchase? We all have to decide what we will do about all kinds of things every day. Knowing what will be best is something that can cause great stress leaving us sleepless and unsure. Or these decisions can cause great excitement and anticipation. 

     One common method people use to work through these times is talking. We even have the saying “talk it out.” We may talk to a trusted friend, a parent or someone who has been through a situation like our own. Jesus made a regular habit of talking about the big things he was going to do: before a major preaching tour, before calling his twelve closest followers. Before he asked the twelve who they thought he was, before his own trial, and before the trial of a close friend. Jesus spent time talking to his Father. It’s no accident that before virtually every major event in Christ’s life and ministry Luke records that he spent quiet time in prayer.

     There are all kinds of things that we can and should do before a major event or decision. We may sleep on it. We may list the pro’s and cons, or make a to do list to ensure nothing is forgotten, more important than any of these is spending time talking to our heavenly Father. 

     This is a good habit to have in our personal lives and we should apply it there. That however is not the only way we should learn from and apply Jesus example. In Luke 9:18; 29; 11:1, Mat 26:36-45 and many other places Jesus includes his disciples in his time of prayer. The disciples continued this practice after Jesus resurrection and ascension in Acts 2:41; 12:12; 13:2 just to mention a few, the disciples spent time together in prayer.

     What about us? When our congregation is preparing for something important, when a family member is facing trouble, when there is great need in our community, or among our brethren in different locations do we set aside a time of prayer? We have recently been studying I Thessalonians where Paul reminds the Corinthians to “Pray without Ceasing” the idea being not so much that we spend our life walking around with our heads bowed muttering to God. Rather Paul wants us to develop a mindset which thinks of God and His role first. One important further point to consider is praying about smaller more regular things. Before we go to work or start a new task. Before we study the Bible or spend time with friends. Praying without ceasing means praying about all aspects of our lives.

     I plan to develop a relationship with Joel and Asher such that they will want to come to me when preparing for something they think is important. In the same way our heavenly father wants us to come to him with the things that we are doing. 

     As we prepare for ministry and look ahead to the ways we need to serve God let’s keep in mind that we have not prepared until we have talked with our Heavenly Father.

~ Kevin Cleary