Do Something

January 19, 2025

One of the things you will hear in an emergency is someone saying “somebody do something” often because of danger and or ability a situation can’t be easily remedied. I recall a time at a large warehouse fire that some people showed up and promptly began to panic we had to physically restrain them from entering the burning building. One young many in particular was in full blown melt down. It turns out the back of the building was being used for a dog sitting service. Known or unknown to him was that the front of the building was being used for growing large quantities of marijuana. 

Sometimes we can get away with a questionable situation with no consequences. However, its usually not worth taking that risk. This brings up a different use of the term phrase “do something”

When things are not right we should not wait around and let it go because sometimes we won’t get any time it will be too late before we try to act.

Maybe there is a sin we are struggling with and we say well later Ill figure this out. 

Maybe there is something we know we should do but we keep putting it off. Maybe we know someone who is in trouble and we think I need to talk to them and offer some help but we just don’t get around to it. It is a scary conversation after all.

Kevin Cleary


He made no mistakes and took no wrong roads;

He never fumbled the ball;

He never went down beneath the load.

He simply did nothing at all.

He lost no hard fights in defense of the right;

He never bled with his back to the wall.

He never fell faint in his climb to the light;

He simply did nothing at all.

So death came nigh, for life slipped by,

And he feared for the Judgment Hall.

When they asked him why, he said with a sigh:

“I simply did nothing at all.”

So, God will pardon your blunders, my friend,

And regard with pity your fall.

But the one big sin that surely means Hell

Is simply to do nothing at all.


“Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin”

(James 4:17).