The Wisdom of Two

One day Solomon thought about the labours of man, and wrote, “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labour. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up.” (Eccles.4:9-10). In his day, most people worked on farms and in the fields where it is hard for one person to handle large animals and heavy harvests. Injuries were common, but easier to survive with friends helping out.

Jesus taught his disciples to do things together. He sent them out in pairs (Luke 10:1), and told them to love and care for each other (John 15:12).  Jesus Himself was part of the tri-une Godhead, always working hand-in-hand with the Father and the Spirit. We are called into a fellowship with them, and with other people. While there are many things we must do alone, it is better to seek out others to help you accomplish things, work on projects, and go see people.

There are times in life when some people must work in solitude. It was that way for Jesus on earth. Many missionaries and preachers must labour alone. If it continues too long, the results can be tragic. It is always best to have the help of at least one other person.

Solomon’s concern seems to be for the results when one “falls.” This means illness, injury or discouragement. These are hard to handle without friends.

Remember the wisdom of two.

– Tim Johnson