Sport has a large place in the lives of many people. By and large, sports fans love the underdog, especially when a team or individual comes from behind and wins the championship – a reversal of fortune.
In the Bible we see a similar kind of reversal. Jesus said, “He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it” (Matt.10:39). What is high is brought low. What is low is brought high. What is proud is humbled. What is out is in. What is in is out. That is because the standards and values of the kingdom are different than that of the world.
For example, it was David the shepherd boy who was picked to become king of Israel and not his older, stronger brothers. It was Jacob, the quiet man, who loved to stay around the tents, not Esau, the skillful hunter, who was given the birthright – although by cunning. It was Mary who was chosen to give birth to Jesus, not one of the thousands of women from better circumstances.
And how can we not mention the humble nature of our Saviour? Isaiah said of Him, “He has no stately form or majesty that we should look upon Him, nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him. He was despised and forsaken of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. He was despised, and we did not esteem Him” (Isaiah 53:2-3). Yet in his death he saved the world, his resurrection gives all men hope, and he ascended to heaven to sit at God’s right hand (Acts 2:36).
The theme of the great reversal is carried out through the whole of the scriptures. The book of James and the Sermon on the Mount turn upside down the values of much of the world.
Are your values in line with His?
– David Johnson, with additions from Tim Johnson